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Lunches for Lent


Ash Wednesday reminds us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Tonight, we will go to an evening service at our church and receive our ashes.

We all chose habits or treats to abstain from...I'm not doing any impulse buying or unnecessary shopping- causing a small Fifi spiral last night at our little Fat Tuesday supper. (" can't shop for me either? I have to ask DAD??" *cue the last minute Shien purchase*). Both of the kids have given up soda and SH made a valiant 45 minute attempt to stop cussing. We are reexamining that goal.

We are also abstaining from meat today and every Friday until Easter.

So, I felt the need to have a little fun last night. And yes, my idea of fun is rainbow-themed lunches. Wild. And. Crazy.

Starting from the bottom left:

Strawberries and grape tomatoes > blood oranges and carrots and a little chocolate >

pineapple for the yellow > cucumber and kiwi > blackberries and blueberries. Both lunches finished off with cheese snack of their choice and peanut butter crackers, in a purple cup as purple is the color of Lent.

The children were speechless and said they had never seen such a culinary masterpiece. I think. Unclear...I was sipping wine and humming to myself.

The kiddos also just walked in and informed me that they made it through the school day fine without soda. And I have caught myself every time I have opened the Amazon app today.

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